The Overview
InvizBox is an Irish-based VPN provider specialising in hardware-related privacy products. Invizbox is the parent company of US-based VPN company, VPNCity, which was also in scope for UI&UX-based work.
While working as a freelance designer, I was brought on to update the user experience in both physical and digital company assets.
While working as a freelance designer, I was brought on to update the user experience in both physical and digital company assets.
Brief One Goal:
•Updating VPNCity company landing pages, creating graphic banners and producing a video for in-flight marketing.
Brief Two Goal:
•Producing a Quick Start Guide for Invizbox and their home encryption router.
Project One: VPNCity Campaign
User Introduction
With a new partnership to advertise VPNCity across all North American flights, passengers will be shown banners to choose from and watch a video to access free WiFi.

VPNCity Video
The video was designed to onboard users to the basics of what a VPN is and what value it creates. The video had to communicate the core values of VPNCity in under 30 seconds long. The video will begin when the above banner is selected.
The Mobile Landing Page:

The Laptop Landing Page:

Project Two: Quick Start Guide

The Overview
One of Invizbox's main products was experiencing some onboarding and set-up issues with users. To combat this, I produced a guide for new customers to read when setting up their devices.

The Information
The goal was to simplify the process to 5 visual steps while keeping the user informed on the device status. The guide unfolds to gradually introduce the user to more content and steps.

Iconography For The Guide
The illustrations represent the two colour variations InvizBox provides to customers.